Wednesday, December 2, 2015

The Forest of Hands and Teeth: the film with Maisie Williams

The actress Maisie Williams could camper important in the film The Forest of Hands and Teeth. Adapted from a novel, the movie will be directed by Kate Maberly. No release date has been provided yet.This is the site that Variety has revealed the new recently. 

The actress Maisie Williams, known for his role in the cult series Game of Thrones, is currently in talks with producers to star in the film The Forest of Hands and Teeth. If confirmed the cast, she will put in the shoes of Mary, the protagonist.Adapted from the novel eponymous Carrie Ryan, the movie The Forest of Hands and Teeth takes place in the distant future. A bloodthirsty virus is affecting the human population, transforming it into a cannibal. Mary, a young survivor of the epidemic will do everything to save people.

It will thus begin a long journey in The Forest of Hands and Teeth.Kate Maberly will be making the film The Forest of Hands and Teeth and contribute to the screenplay of the movie. The director revealed that she was very excited to be part of the project. Note that it also will ensure the production of the film The Forest of Hands and Teeth with Doug Liman through their company Hetherwood Productions. The date of start shooting the film remains to be communicated.

Forests, is still not top. Besides being full of dirty and even pets, these high humidity places often contain demonic spirits ready to devour anyone adventure there. The proof with the Trailer of The Forest, where we find Natalie Dormer.Its name may well not always be well-known to the public, Natalie Dormer is an actress among the most prominent of his generation, that you come across in the Tudors, Game of Thrones or franchise Hunger Games.

Despite an undeniable charisma and a certain talent, Natalie Dormer is often used in the role of the wicked bitch, hard-faced, to the Machiavellian eye hospital and thigh. We are therefore quite pleased to find it in a feature film, which is taking over the lead role, for what promises a rather different horror movie she could do before.

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